Naked massage has been used for centuries to promote well being. Our sensual massage will promote good health whilst awakening all your senses. Our naturist massage uses a range of special techniques individually trained to our masseuses.
When it comes to naked massage it is touch that provides the sensual massage experience and then smell. These two vital senses form the evocative and most immediate links between body and mind during a tantric massage. The largest sensory organ of the body is the skin and during a naked massage there are thousands of receptors in your skin’s dermis that will react to the external stimuli during the naked massage experience. Whilst you are receiving your luxurious sensual massage your body will experience intense pleasure which sends messages through your nervous system to your brain.
Naked massage increases the activity of your heart rate and is exceptionally good at promoting all round well being. A sensual massage does all this but also stimulates your entire body to induce an excited and sensual sensation…
With a stronger naturist massage, your blood circulation is stimulated and will thus hugely improve the supply of oxygen to your body tissues. We provide naked massages in Lisbon that includes tantric massage and sensual massage that are not only highly enjoyable but also ease knotted and tense muscles along with stiff joints increasing body flexibility.